US Approves Massive Offshore Wind Farm Despite Trump’s Opposition


The US has approved the Atlantic Shores South offshore wind farm, despite previous opposition from Donald Trump. This project, led by Shell-EDF, will consist of two wind farms generating up to 2,800 megawatts of electricity, enough to power nearly 1 million homes with clean energy. Located around 8.7 miles offshore New Jersey, it is set to include up to 200 wind turbines and 10 offshore substations.

Why does it matter?

This approval marks the ninth commercial-scale, offshore wind farm greenlit under the Biden administration, highlighting a significant push towards renewable energy. President Biden’s administration aims to grow the American offshore wind industry, strengthen the nation’s power grid, and address the climate crisis. Governor Phil Murphy of New Jersey has set ambitious goals for offshore wind installation in the state, emphasizing the shift towards sustainable energy sources.

How is it going to shape the future?

The approval of the Atlantic Shores South offshore wind farm signals a pivotal moment in the US energy landscape, showcasing a commitment to sustainable practices and reducing reliance on traditional power sources. With the Biden administration’s support and a focus on expanding offshore wind capacity, the project sets a precedent for future developments in renewable energy infrastructure. Despite past opposition, the green light for this offshore wind farm underscores a shift towards cleaner, more environmentally friendly energy solutions on a significant scale.