Revolutionizing Transport: Australia’s Shift to Bikes and Electric Trucks

Australia is on the brink of a transportation revolution as the government considers embracing bicycles and electric trucks to combat the rise of petrol and diesel SUV sales. The Transport and Infrastructure Net Zero Consultation Roadmap highlights the urgent need to address transport emissions, emphasizing the importance of active and public transport in decarbonization efforts.


The government is exploring various pathways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the transport sector, with a focus on promoting electric vehicles, active transport, and public transportation. Measures such as the New Vehicle Efficiency Standard and investments in electrified public transport aim to mitigate emissions while improving urban mobility and reducing pollution.

Why does it matter?

Encouraging more people to use bicycles and public transport not only helps reduce emissions but also addresses issues like congestion, transport costs, and pollution. The recent announcement of a $100 million Active Transport Fund for bicycle and walking paths is a positive step, but significant long-term investments are needed to create safe infrastructure that encourages people to choose alternative modes of transportation.

How is it going to shape the future?

Cities like Paris have already shown the transformative power of prioritizing biking infrastructure, resulting in a significant increase in cycling culture and a decrease in car usage. With Sydney also making strides in enhancing commuter biking infrastructure, there is potential for a rapid shift towards more sustainable transportation options. Embracing electric buses, ferries, and trucks powered by renewable energy can further reduce emissions and dependency on private cars, contributing to a cleaner and more efficient transport system.

While challenges remain, such as the growing popularity of SUVs that could offset gains from vehicle efficiency standards, there is a clear call for stronger regulations and incentives to accelerate the transition to low-emission transport. Public submissions on the government’s roadmap are open until July 26, 2024, signaling a critical opportunity for stakeholders to shape the future of transport in Australia.

In conclusion, Australia stands at a crossroads where decisions around transportation infrastructure and vehicle choices will have profound implications for emissions reduction, urban livability, and economic growth. By prioritizing sustainable and innovative transport solutions, the country can pave the way for a greener and more resilient future.