BYD Unveils $145,000 Luxury Electric People Mover


BYD, known for its growth in the affordable car market, is now stepping into the luxury segment with the introduction of its Denza D9 people mover in Hong Kong, priced at around $A145,000. The flagship showroom in Hong Kong will be the brand’s first right-hand-drive market, showcasing its premium offerings and cutting-edge technology.

Why does it matter?

The launch of the Denza D9 marks BYD’s expansion into the luxury electric vehicle market, catering to consumers looking for high-end features and performance. With a focus on premium offerings, the D9 model boasts impressive specifications, including up to 620 km of range on the CLTC cycle and a quick 10-minute charge to add 150 km of range. This move not only signifies BYD’s commitment to innovation but also sets the stage for potential launches in other markets.

How is it going to shape the future?

As the automotive industry shifts towards electric vehicles, BYD’s foray into the luxury market with the Denza D9 is a strategic move to capture a broader range of consumers. The brand’s emphasis on elegant design, advanced technology, and premium features indicates a shift towards more upscale offerings. By introducing the D9 in Hong Kong and potentially expanding to other markets, BYD is positioning itself as a key player in the global EV market, setting a new standard for luxury electric people movers.