Toyota Considers Hydrogen Fuel Cell Pickup for Tundra-Sized Trucks


The article discusses how Toyota executives believe that hydrogen fuel cells could be ideal for larger vehicles like pickups, despite not gaining traction for passenger cars like the Mirai. They explain the potential benefits of using this technology for light-duty trucks, focusing on factors like range and towing capacity.

So What?

Toyota’s interest in hydrogen fuel cell technology for pickups could signify a shift towards alternative power sources in the automotive industry. The potential advantages of fuel cell technology for larger vehicles, such as better range and faster refueling, could appeal to truck owners who prioritize towing capabilities and convenience.

What’s next?

While no definite decision has been made regarding the production of an FCV pickup, Toyota’s exploration of this technology could lead to innovative developments in the truck market. Collaborations with other automakers and successful tests with fuel-cell-equipped semi trucks indicate a broader industry focus on sustainable transportation solutions.
