Faraday Future 2023: 10 EVs Sold and Leased – What’s Next?


Faraday Future finally delivered its long-awaited FF 91 2.0 luxury all-electric model in 2023, with a starting price of $309,000. The company managed to sell four units and lease six more, totaling 10 vehicles. Despite this milestone, Faraday Future reported total revenues of just $784,000, raising concerns about its profitability.

Why does it matter?

The low sales figures for Faraday Future’s FF 91 2.0 raise questions about the company’s future sustainability and ability to turn a profit. With significant costs of $42.6 million for auto sales and a considerable net loss of $432 million, Faraday Future faces challenges in increasing production and achieving financial stability. The company’s withdrawal of its 2024 production guidance further adds to the uncertainty surrounding its future prospects.

How is it going to shape the future?

Faraday Future’s strategy moving forward remains uncertain, especially considering its financial struggles and the competitive landscape of the luxury electric vehicle market. With limited pre-orders and revenue potential, the company will need to navigate carefully to establish itself as a viable player in the industry. The future success of the FF 91 2.0 model hinges on factors such as market demand, production efficiency, and the ability to attract more buyers in both existing and potential new markets like the Middle East. Only time will tell whether Faraday Future can overcome its current challenges and carve out a sustainable niche in the competitive EV market.