Hyundai Ioniq 5 N: 678 HP Time Attack Spec Dominates Pike Peak


Hyundai is gearing up to dominate Pike Peak with their powerful Hyundai Ioniq 5 N Time Attack Spec, boasting a whopping 678 horsepower. The modifications include aggressive aero enhancements, upgraded suspension, and retuning of the electric powertrain to achieve maximum performance. In addition to entering the race with these souped-up models, Hyundai will also compete with production-spec Ioniq 5 Ns to chase a production EV record. Safety upgrades, such as external speakers emitting engine sounds for improved driver feedback, have been added to meet race requirements.

Why Does It Matter?

The Hyundai Ioniq 5 N Time Attack Spec represents the brand’s foray into electric motorsport, showcasing their commitment to innovation and performance. By entering the Pike Peak hill climb with both race-prepped and production models, Hyundai aims to demonstrate the capabilities of their electric vehicles and make a mark in the competitive world of motorsport. Collaborating with Gran Turismo for virtual hill climb action further underscores Hyundai’s dedication to pushing boundaries in both the real and virtual racing realms.

How Is It Going to Shape the Future?

Hyundai’s participation in Pike Peak with the Ioniq 5 N Time Attack Spec sets a precedent for the future of electric racing, highlighting the potential for high-performance EVs in motorsport. The brand’s focus on developing electric race cars paves the way for technological advancements in electric vehicle performance and underscores their commitment to pushing the boundaries of what electric vehicles can achieve in both racing and everyday driving scenarios. As Hyundai continues to invest in electric motorsport, their efforts are shaping the future landscape of high-performance electric vehicles on a global scale.