Kingston Goes Green: Mack LR Electric Trucks Revolutionize Waste Management

In a bid to help the city of Kingston, Ontario, achieve its sustainability goals, town leaders have introduced two Mack LR Electric refuse trucks to their fleet, marking a significant step towards their ambition to achieve net-zero emissions by 2040. The City of Kingston has developed a strategic plan for 2023-26, focusing on reducing carbon emissions from city operations, with a comprehensive zero-emission fleet transition plan at the forefront.


The introduction of the Mack LR Electric trucks represents a shift towards environmentally friendly waste management practices, with the aim of enhancing safety for staff and residents. These trucks, equipped with 376 kWh NMC lithium-ion batteries, electric motors producing 448 horsepower, and 4,051 lb-ft of torque, promise increased energy efficiency and range compared to conventional models. Kingston’s initiative is part of a broader effort that includes deploying electric buses, ice re-surfacers, and light-duty vehicles to accelerate fleet electrification.

Why does it matter?

By embracing electric refuse trucks, Kingston is setting a prime example for sustainable waste management practices, paving the way for other cities to follow suit. The move not only aligns with the city’s environmental stewardship goals but also underscores the importance of transitioning to cleaner transportation solutions to reduce carbon emissions and improve overall air quality. The incorporation of advanced charging infrastructure further supports Kingston’s commitment to electrification, ensuring a seamless transition to electric vehicles in their fleet.

How is it going to shape the future?

The adoption of Mack LR Electric trucks by Kingston signifies a pivotal shift towards a greener future for waste management and city operations as a whole. As more cities witness the success of such initiatives, there is a growing likelihood of widespread adoption of electric vehicles across various sectors. The efficiency, sustainability, and performance of these electric trucks showcase the potential for transforming traditional fleets, leading to reduced environmental impact and a cleaner urban environment for residents.

In conclusion, Kingston’s embrace of Mack LR Electric trucks not only showcases their commitment to sustainability but also sets the stage for a future where electric vehicles play a central role in shaping cleaner, more efficient city operations. With advancements in electric vehicle technology and infrastructure, the transition to greener transportation solutions is becoming increasingly viable and essential for building a more sustainable future.