Revolutionizing Australian Transport: Bikes & Electric Trucks vs. SUVs

In a bold move to combat the alarming rise in petrol and diesel SUV sales, the Australian government is exploring the adoption of “active transport” like bicycles and electric trucks as part of its Transport and Infrastructure Net Zero Consultation Roadmap. With transport emissions set to overtake all others by 2030, the need for urgent action is undeniable.


The roadmap emphasizes the crucial role of active and public transport in reducing emissions, curbing congestion, lowering costs, and promoting healthier lifestyles. Measures such as the New Vehicle Efficiency Standard and the $100 million Active Transport Fund aim to accelerate the shift towards sustainable modes of travel.

Why Does It Matter?

Drawing inspiration from Paris’ successful Cycling Revolution, where anti-car measures led to a surge in biking culture and reduced car reliance, Australian cities like Sydney are also investing in cycling infrastructure. However, to truly revolutionize transportation, substantial funding and commitment from all levels of government are essential.

How Is It Going to Shape the Future?

The roadmap proposes electrifying public transport through electric buses, ferries, and trains to reduce the reliance on private cars. Furthermore, addressing the emissions from heavy vehicles, particularly trucks, is crucial, as they account for a significant portion of transport emissions. While challenges like high upfront costs and charging infrastructure exist, supporting the transition to electric trucks is vital for long-term sustainability.

Moreover, the roadmap highlights the threat posed by the growing popularity of SUVs, which could offset the benefits of vehicle efficiency standards and EV adoption. The increase in advertising of diesel SUVs further complicates the transition to a greener transport sector, underscoring the need for more stringent regulations to curb emissions effectively.

As public submissions on the roadmap are open until July 26, 2024, the future of Australian transportation lies at a critical juncture. By prioritizing active transport, electrifying public transit, and reining in the SUV craze, Australia has the opportunity to reshape its transport sector and lead the way towards a sustainable and eco-friendly future.