Harley-Davidson Patents Virtual Brakes for Electric Motorcycles


Harley-Davidson’s LiveWire brand has patented a new concept of “Virtual Brakes” for electric motorcycles. The patent focuses on regenerative braking to replace traditional mechanical brakes, aiming to reduce costs, weight, and complexity while enhancing vehicle performance, especially in electric vehicles.

Why does it matter?

The patent argues that traditional hydraulic braking systems are costly and add weight, impacting the performance of electric motorcycles. By utilizing regenerative braking as the primary braking mechanism for at least one wheel, LiveWire seeks to improve efficiency and range while minimizing the need for mechanical brakes. This innovative approach challenges the conventional use of brakes in the automotive industry, particularly in the electric vehicle segment.

How is it going to shape the future?

If implemented successfully, the concept of “Virtual Brakes” could revolutionize the design and functionality of electric motorcycles. By prioritizing regenerative braking over traditional frictional brakes, manufacturers like Harley-Davidson could set a new standard for performance and sustainability in the industry. However, concerns over safety and the removal of mechanical redundancy may spark debates among motorcycle enthusiasts and experts, questioning the practicality and reliability of this futuristic braking system. As technology continues to evolve, the emergence of virtual solutions like these could pave the way for more innovative designs and features in electric vehicles, challenging traditional automotive norms and pushing boundaries in the quest for efficiency and performance.

Source: https://www.rideapart.com/news/719824/livewire-electric-motorcycle-fake-brakes-clutch-harley-davidson/