$100M Boost: New Active Transport Paths Fund Announced!

Well, well, well, it looks like our paths are about to get a whole lot prettier! In the upcoming federal budget, walking and cycling paths are set to receive a whopping $100 million boost. This investment marks the largest national active transport funding injection in over ten years, thanks to Federal Transport Minister Catherine King’s announcement of the creation of an Active Transport Fund. The fund aims to enhance infrastructure in both urban and regional areas, with availability expected from July 2025.


This $100 million investment is a breath of fresh air, coming 15 years after a $40 million package was introduced for bikeways post the global financial crisis. Additionally, this news follows the Labor government’s recent reveal of plans to implement car emission limits to promote the importation of low-emission vehicles and reduce transport pollution. Federal Transport Minister Catherine King emphasized that the investment will focus on developing bicycle and walking paths nationwide, along with upgrading existing infrastructure to enhance connectivity and safety.

Why does it matter?

The establishment of the Active Transport Fund serves a dual purpose – driving economic opportunities in communities while also fostering residents’ enjoyment of their living spaces. Liam Davies, a senior analyst at the Institute for Sensible Transport, highlighted the potential health benefits and environmental impact of this initiative. Recognizing the urgent need to decarbonize the transport sector, Davies emphasized the importance of promoting walking and cycling, describing it as “low-hanging fruit” in the fight against climate change and enhancing city livability.

How is it going to shape the future?

While this $100 million investment signifies progress, Davies recommends that the federal government establish a continuous funding program for active infrastructure projects to provide long-term support for councils and states. A recent Climate Council study titled “Seize the Decade” underscored the potential of active transport in reducing emissions, advocating for a five percent annual shift towards walking and cycling to cut down transport pollution. Currently, only around four percent of trips in Australia are taken on foot or by bicycle, signaling a significant opportunity for growth in active transport use.

In conclusion, with this substantial financial boost and the emphasis on sustainable transport modes, Australia is paving the way towards a greener, healthier future. So, lace up those sneakers and grease those gears – our paths are about to get a whole lot more active!

Source: https://thedriven.io/2024/05/07/on-your-bike-take-a-hike-active-transport-paths-get-100m-budget-boost/